Summary of a Transcendent Era

The 1960’s and 70’s were eras that helped to form America for what it is today. The 60’s were about liberation. Freedom of sex , drugs and rock n’ roll music was prevalent. It was a life style of free love and individual power. The Vietnam War became a major source of protest of the times. People were in disagreement with why we were fighting there, it was one of the first time that Americans didn’t support a war effort therefore creating lots of dissension with the government. There were demonstrations, the burning of draft cards, standing against the government to insure their rights as American citizens. All this was totally opposite of the life and the daily routine of the 50s. People felt they had more of a voice and decided to make a difference in using it to stand up for what the believed in. The Civil Rights Movement, with Martin Luther King and many other inspirational leaders, demanded change in the society and by using their first amendment rights, took advantage in protesting by boycotting buses and restaurants and groups that marched to be heard, to stand against the government and the ways of society, this including the feminist movement as well. The People of America distrusted the government and it’s priorities. The advancement in technology of the 60s and 70s, such as computers, cars, television and other advancements, like man landing on the moon in 1969, were all creating major change for the better of free citizens of a free nation. The assignations of John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, major political figures in our country that moved and touched the lives of so many people, were devastating to the entire country. The 70’s was where disco took over rock n’ roll and television advanced  from black and white to color. Environmental awareness became a new source of concern, suspicion about the corruption in government was being seen in ways that had never been seen before. The Watergate scandal and President Nixon being the first president to ever resign in 1974, led to more distrust in the government. Jimmy Carter was elected president, but had an unfortunate term. With Russia invading Afganistan during his term, he decided to show disapproval by boycotting American involvement in the olympics creating a major political statement. This caused much unpopularity for him. The 70’s ended with the Iran Hostage Crisis holding a number of American citizens as POWs, which again left the country very insecure with our leadership.

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