interview: Mike Dorsey

What music did you listen to during the 1960’s?

” I  typically listened to what we called ” rock’ Roll”.  The “Beatles” had come to town from England and we’re the hottest things going .  All of “us” high school kids loved them and we danced to them at all the  high school parties.


Where were you when JFK was assassinated?

“I remembered this vividly!  I was sitting in my freshman english class and an announcement came over the loud speaker.  “The President has been assassinated, more news to come.” At first we thought the President of our school had been killed but later found out it was The President of the United States.”


What kind of clothes did you wear in 1960’s?

“Clothes for the most part have not changed much over time.  However, I do remember such dated items as bell bottom jeans and disco shirts!”


What kind of car did you drive?

”  I drove the hottest car in town. A 1955 Chevy with a 289 horsepower engine; four on the floor hearst stick shift and she was pained candy apple red, with black leather interior.  Saved the money for the car over 8 years of a paper route.”


What do you remember about the Vietnam War?

” The Vietnam War was a real tragedy!  We lost 58,000 American soldiers for political reasons unsubstantiated.  And, that’s all I have to say about that.”


Did you serve in the Vietnam War?

” I did not serve in The Vietnam War but was drafted as a soon as I graduated from U.C.L.A  However, at that time , the war was winding down , and just before having to report to boot camp, the war ended and so did the draft.”


Did you like President Nixon?

”  President Nixon was  a good president. He served his country well.  Unfortunately, his record of service will always be blemished by Watergate.”


What do you remember about Watergate?

” Watergate was a political scandal that involved illegal surveillance of Democratic headquarters political in formation by the Republican party.  Appartently President Nixon had knowledge of the Watergate break-in but didn’t disclose it until it was uncovered by members of the Democratic party and hence, his demise.”

What do you know about the civil rights movement?

” The civil rights movement was spearheaded by Dr. Martin Luther King.  Dr. King was, and always will be the most instrumental force in defining equal rights among all colors of people.”


“What lessons did you learn in the 1960″s and 1970’s?

The predominant lesson I learned would have to be ” tolerance” and “understanding”. In an era of “racial” and “civil strife”, I learned that color and ethnic origin has nothing to do with equality, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness among all colors, races, and ethnic origins of people.


Political Cartoons


The majority of Americans were against the Vietnam war. This cartoon illustrates Americas more liberal faction voicing their opposition to the conservative members of the society.


This cartoons depicts American society’s view on the Presidents escalations of the Vietnam War. The American society didn’t believe his view on troop withdrawals; thus, portraying his as the infamous Pinocchio.


This was a very controversial war! Over 58,000 American soldiers were killed in battle. This cartoon depicts American society’s view on the war. “Go to Vietnam and your dead!”